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Vacation in Hawaii

Vacation in Hawaii

Date: Jul 08 2004


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

I am from the Big Island of Hawai’i and recently went there for two weeks to relax and get married. After the wedding, my new husband, Chris, and I spent some time on one of the neighbor islands, relaxing and swimming in the ocean. Listen as Zach and I talk about the honeymoon.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.




Zach:  So, you’ve been gone for a week and you come back with a tan. What’s the deal?

Steph:  Well I went to Hawai’i. I was at the beach. I was having a lot of fun over there.

Zach:  Sounds pretty nice. Uh, what kinda stuff was goin’ on?

Steph:  Well there were people parasailing, people kite-boarding and, uh, surfers and all that. I pretty much just laid in the sand and played in the shoreline.

Zach:  What’s a parasail?

Steph:  Parasail is this thing…Do you know what a parachute is?

Zach:  Yeah, when you jump out of an airplane and…

Steph:  Mmm hmmm. Yeah, these people don’t have the guts to jump out of an airplane, so they get attached to a line, which is attached to a boat and then they just fly with a parachute in the sky and the boat pulls them and they’re like, ya know, floating up in the air.

Zach:  So you’re just sittin’ there, hangin’ out in the air, lookin’ down at the view?

Steph:  Totally.

Zach:  That sounds like a great time.

Steph:  Yeah it’s a lot of fun.



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Hawai’i is a really interesting place for people to go and visit because there are always fun things to do there. It is especially great for outdoorsy types, who enjoy spending a lot of time doing things in a natural environment. Whenever I go to Hawai’i, I spend quite bit of time at the beach because I love the water. What kinds of things do you like to do while on vacation?



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 I have visited Hawaii , actually, the Maui island.   I remember all the wonders of this paradise on earth, the beaches, mountains , emerald ocean , the scent of the hawaiian flowers and the music of Israel Kamakawiwo `ole . the acuarium a must if you go there.


03:59 PM Apr 13 2011 |

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 Nelly Castillo, according to Wikipedia both spelling are correct. have a nice day 

03:33 PM Apr 13 2011 |

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nelly castillo


why hawaii it is written Hawai'i????

03:07 PM Apr 13 2011 |

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